Our EXCLUSIVE services

Collaborating with International and National Prayer networks for strategic prayer Summits and consultations.


We are Rescuing, Rehabilitating and Preserving the Underprivileged Children at Risk for an Excellent Life. The Relief Care includes Child Sponsorship, Child Medical/Educational Care and Distribution of Child’s Survival Kits.


We train the Leaders and Professionals for becoming Change Makers. Empowering the Heads of the Institutions, Student Counsellors and the Teaching Faculty to Mould the Lives of the millennials. Training Youth with Life Dynamics to become Emerging Young Leaders


Exclusive training tracks for Transformative Leaders, Teenagers, Youth, Couples, Professionals, Educators and Pioneers


Bring Together Spouses for Spiritual Renewal, Restoration and Rejuvenation to Heal the Brokenness in their lives. Spiritual Clinics are conducted as Spiritual Therapy Courses in order to give enough time for Healing and Mending their lives for a greater service for the Lord. These Clinics empower families for Prosperous and Joyful Married Life.
Mentoring Christian Master Trainers to play a vital role as Transformative Leaders for Transformation in Lives, Families and Ministries

our exclusive resources

TRAINING KITS - Heart Mendors

Manuals | Workbooks | Tools


Audio | Video | Presentation | Publication


Organisational Development | Mission Development | Research & Development

A rare opportunity to...

Become Training Facilitators

Acquire Life Transformtional Skills

Our team

Training Tracks
Training Modules
Training Workshops
Trained Graduates

What our leaders say

The Family Spiritual Clinic conducted in our Church has been enormous heart mending relationship restoring and spiritually rejuvenating process more than 25 families

Rev. Rajashekar
Liberty Christian Light House Assembly

The Emerging Young Leader training course organised for the youth in our Church has empowered them to grow spiritually and be witnesses for the Lord in their campuses

Pas. Elijah Francis
Hermon Prayer Centre

Who we are

The Samuels are a chosen family of God, anointed children lovers and preservers, Bible teachers, authors, youth and family counsellors, ministry trainers, formulators and developers of spiritual educational resources for children, teenagers, youth and families. Transformational leadership trainers, spiritual skills and life skills coaching mentors, audio and video concept and documentation devisers. Equipping the churches and ministry networks for cultural and community transformation. They live in Chennai with their daughter Janus Shiphrah.  

  • Collaborative Training Ventures
  • Mainline Churches and Organisations
  • SYNOD of Pentecostal Churches
Church & Ministry network Partnerships
Training Curricula Development
Modular Training courses
Transformative Leadership Training

TLTA can be your best training academy for experiencing personal life transformation, family rejuvenation and ministry empowerment.

About HTN

Holistic Transformation Network, The Global Training Ministry Organisation established by God has been serving to minister the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, psychological, physical, financial and environmental aspects of every generation. The mission is guided and propelled by the Holy Spirit for the past two decades. It is committed in rescuing, caring, training, equipping and empowering many lives. The founders of the organisation have devised modular training courses and developed the curricula for Teenagers, Youth, Family, Professionals, Pioneers and Educators. The major theme of this training courses are Personal life transformation and change in the ecosystem.

Collaborating Organizations

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